Independent Registration
Do-It-Yourself Digital Platform for Charitable Fundraising Registration
Consider fundraising registration needs on a state-by-state basis and develop an organized process that works for you. Utilize the do-it-yourself support level within the Affinity Single Portal® that mimics Affinity's professional process for effective and efficient in-house charity compliance management.
Because the requirements for charitable solicitation registration are complicated, ever present, and ever changing, let our 30+ years of cumulative experience of working with nonprofits of all sizes empower you to file in compliance, completely in-house.
Keep It In-House, but Keep It Organized
For organizations of any size looking to start or keep filings in-house, hassle-free, with limited guidance.
Affinity provides resources and guides for your reference, equipping you with more reliable information than a Google search!
Visit to complete our Detailed Estimate survey, and discover how our software platform can be utilized to meet the unique needs of your organization — at an affordable price.

How Does the Registration Process Work?
Each state’s filing requirements are uniquely complex. Charities can more easily navigate these nuances with support from Affinity’s comprehensive registration solution: The Affinity Single Portal®. Charities can stay organized and focus more on their mission with digital help filing state fundraising registration paperwork.
The Affinity Single Portal® uses a secure online database to help nonprofits collect registration data and complete compliance tasks, including: